Hennovation: Multi-actor, practice-led innovation networks in the laying hen sector

Hennovation is a thematic network addressing animal welfare and practice-driven innovation in the laying hen sector.

The Hennovation project will demonstrate the potential of innovation led by producers and industry practices (on farm, during transport and at the abattoir) through the establishment of on-farm and off-farm innovation networks that proactively search for and utilize new ideas to make their business more efficient and sustainable. The networks are led by producers or transporters and hen processors interacting with veterinary surgeons, farm advisors and scientific researchers, consumers and those certifying egg production.

An overarching aim is to develop and disseminate technical innovations based on practice as well as on economic and scientific information. Producers and others in the industry often do not get to hear about relevant scientific innovation and the translation of scientific innovation into producers and industry practices is not always effective in bringing about intended change in terms of increased productivity and sustainability. The results of the Hennovation project are expected to inspire and support uptake of innovation in other livestock sectors as well.

Communication tools and online training options are needed to support knowledge sharing within and amongst the networks. Therefore, ACER worked to mobilize the results of their work in the form of a whiteboard video.



Do you have a special scientific communication project you’re looking for advice on? Need a website or educational toolkit built to deliver your messages? Give us a shout at info@acerconsult.ca and we’ll be happy to discuss how we can support your next project!



University of Bristol

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